pushd and popd

Posted under » Linux on 28 September 2015

Sometimes navigating using the command line can be a pain because you have type in the directory names when you CD

To remember the directory, you do either

$ pushd .
$ pushd /etc/apache2/sites-available

You can build this list by adding or pushing more.

To see the list of directories that you have stored.

$ dirs
~/Documents /usr/share ~/Music ~/Videos ~/Desktop ~

$ dirs -v
0  /var/tmp
1  /opt
2  ~/Music
3  ~/Videos
4  ~/Desktop
5  ~

Now that you have a nice list, to move to the Music folder

$ pushd +2

What the push +n does is bring you the Music folder and rearrange the index.

$ pwd

$ dirs -v
0  ~/Music
1  /var/tmp
2  /opt
3  ~/Videos
4  ~/Desktop
5  ~

You can move to the first directory and remove it from the list by the popd command.

$ popd

However, if you do not wish to be moved into the directory, delete the value and stay where you are, use

$ popd +2

$ dirs -v
0  ~/Music
1  /var/tmp
2  ~/Videos
3  ~/Desktop
4  ~

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