I started with PERL and then to PHP. Now I am using less of PHP and prefer to use Python. PHP is still very much alive and is still popular. Facebook and Wordpress runs on PHP although of late, Javascript (react) are added to make it more dynamic.

PHP works well with MySQL and Apache and together they are called LAMP. As of 2024, the PHP version is 8.1.2. Anoneh is powered by PHP. PHP frameworks like Drupal CMS and CakePHP are covered.

Timer app | 21 June 2024
WAF (Web Application Firewall) and "403 Forbidden" error | 22 July 2023
Sharing var across functions using global var | 26 May 2023
Basic Queries using SQLite3 class | 2 Feb 2023
Comparing files in PHP | 09 January 2023
Insert or update | 20 November 2022
Processing Apache log files using implode, explode | 13 November 2022
Getting first row data without while loop | 19 Oct 2022
sum, count and len | 14 March 2022
Create associative array from query | 15 Feb 2022
Difference between PHP and Python | 29 Jun 2021
Create XML child and subchild from MySQL | 09 Feb 2021
preg_match_all regex and output | 4 Sep 2020
openssl_encrypt and decrypt | 11 Aug 2020
PHPMailer with Office365 | 1 May 2020
Decoding JSON | 24 Oct 2018
Displaying european chars and encoding JSON | 22 Oct 2018
Installing and updating using composer | updated 27 Sep 2022
Switch CASE | updated 17 Feb 2022
Upgrade from php v5.5.9 to v5.6.3 | 30 Apr 2018
CURL and PHP | 25 October 2017
Store images in MySQL as BLOB and show in PHP as filename.jpg | 30 May 2017
Check if exist or not = mysqli_num_rows() empty and counting | updated on 5 Oct 2022
Making PHP mail() work with Sendmail/Postfix | 20 April 2017
Basic DB connect, update and insert to MySQL. Updated for PHP7 | Updated 11 August 2020
LAMP finetuning | 24 March 2017
Validation of forms against SQL injection or XSS attacks | 07 Feb 2017
Exporting to excel | 22 Nov 2016
Form for uploading files using PHP5 | 6 January 2016
PHP Notice: Undefined index/variable/constant isset | 8 July 2015
Preventing password in the clear with PHP | 3 June 2015
PHP substr string | 2 May 2015
SQLite basic update and PHP PDO | 24 April 2015
PHP libraries | 3 September 2014
Setting up Postfix on Ubuntu | 1 September 2014
Rotating banner using PHP array shuffle or array_rand | 26 March 2014
Using data from other websites | 05 January 2014
Basic PHP Sessions | 25 July 2013
string replacer using XML array | 31 March 2013
Countdown date in PHP using MKTIME | 19 October 2012
Simplest way to add timestamp with PHP MYSQL | 10 October 2012
addslashes for input to mysql | 10 October 2012
Sample SQL query select and join | 23 August 2012
Randomizer | 22 March 2012
Install LAMP to Ubuntu | 10 March 2012
Regular expression replace : REGEX | 7 July 2011
Explode or split string and display array | 31 January 2011
DateTime class and weeknumber using the date() function | 21 October 2013
Implode, file_get_contents and substact string | 06 October 2010
array string replacer | 03 June 2010
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] vs $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] | 4 April 2010
Execute Linux commands in PHP | 04 February 2010
Cron for PHP with quiet option | 18 November 2009
PHP Operators | 11 November 2009
Search in string and len | 6 November 2009
PHP Redirect | 30 October 2009
Uploader using move_uploaded_file | 25 October 2009
Security page using session | 25 October 2009
LDAP connect using V3 protocol | 25 October 2015
Countdown days | 21 October 2009
mysql_query customizing | 08 June 2009
Create and write files in PHP | 16 April 2009
Looping in array, count and add comma | 13 April 2009
Search a MySQL database and return paged results with PHP | 11 April 2009
String Replacer | 01 April 2009
XML to Arrays in PHP5 | 13 March 2009
Displaying Arrays | 26 April 2009
Arrays in PHP | 13 March 2009
Pass form variables(get post) to another page and superglobals | 13 March 2009
Simple PHP feedback mailer form | 13 March 2009
OOP - $this variable and self | 13 March 2009
OOP - Implementing a Simple Class in PHP | 13 March 2009
PHP config - php.ini | 13 March 2009


web security linux ubuntu python django git Raspberry apache mysql php drupal cake javascript css AWS data